Age difference could be a reason for divorces or an excuse for infidelity

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  • Monday, November 28, 2011
  • There are examples of many marriages which are successful and prosperous despite the age difference between the partners. Sachin Tendulkar is an ideal example in this matter.

    Disha Bhatt

    Marriage is an institution; it is the union of a man and a woman from two different homes to live together as one. To some extent, we can say that successful marriages lead to a good society, which in turn will lead to a good nation and a good world.

    Age difference in marriages has its own pros and cons. A large age difference leads to incompatibility issues. This happens because both the partners are of different perceptions and both have different needs. Their priorities are different and this leads to inexorable conflicts. Because of such issues, the partners, more often than not, look for friends and may get involved in an extra-marital affair. This ultimately leads to divorces and unsuccessful marriages.

    If the partners are from the same field and at different career stage, they might end up with disputes and ego clashes because of frustration and envy. This forces, the partners to part ways and live separately.

    However, any relationship can be successful, if there’s a will to keep it fruitful and blossoming.

    There are examples of many marriages which are successful and prosperous despite the age difference between the partners. Sachin Tendulkar is an ideal example in this matter.

    A favorable age difference can lead to a mature relationship, where both partners help each other understand the challenges of life and are extremely supportive to each other. They do not let the excuse of age difference and incompatibility issues break their relationship. Just like a famous quote says, “No relationship is perfect. It is made perfect”. In the same way, two people should be strong enough to make their marriage work.

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