Speak Asia: A big fraud

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  • Saturday, May 14, 2011
  • Experts say that the whole structure of Speak Asia is framed in a manner that finally it’ll run away with huge money.


    Speak Asia, Speak Asia Fraud, Ram Survey, News speak asia, join speak asia, star news speak asia, what is speak asia, money speak asia.


    Speak Asia is declared a big fraud by Star News. Dakhalandazi team requests you all to be aware of this company. There are multiple queries which are yet to be answered by company. Any company which is registered under the company act is liable to pay taxes to the government. There is no any evidence of paying taxes to Indian Government. If you are earning from this company you must pay taxes to the government, which the company is not doing at all.

    See the video:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93VMHoiEa90

    Dakhalandazi team has interviewed many individuals who were earlier cheated by these companies. Pramod, a private teaches says, “I have wasted enough money earlier too. A company called ‘Dew –Soft’ took all my hard earned money and left with tears in my eyes. They took 7000 and paid 2000 per month. I found this a good business. I invested enough and one day the company run away. Since then when I hear any of such companies my veins gets empty”. (Promod can be contacted on 9919115407)

    Nitin a student perusing his MA has also stopped believing on these shortcuts. “Success has no shortcut as I have learnt it with failures and cheatings. I have lost 50,000 and became responsible for loss of 5 Lakhs of my friends. I know Speak Asia will run away one day. Like me many people here will learn the funda of hard work then”, says Nitin while taking his last sip of tea at his 100 square feet home in Shuklaganj. Nitin now is concentrating on his bank exams more.

    Experts say that the whole structure of Speak Asia is framed in a manner that finally it’ll run away with huge money. There is no any business opportunity if it’s only based on ‘Surveys’.

    Companies like Speak Asia, Ram Survey and Dew-soft are not only doing fraud with the common people but also showing a dream to the people which is never going to fulfill at any cost.

    Send you feedback on alok@dakhalandazi.com

    Speak Asia Fraud, join speak asia, Speak Asia, money speak asia, what is speak asia, Ram Survey, news about speak asia, स्पीक एशिया.
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