Ask Facebook to Switch to Renewable Energy

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  • Tuesday, April 12, 2011
  • Dear Friends,
    Remember many NGOs asked Facebook to switch to using renewable energy by Earth Day April 22, 2011. Our favorite networking site has just a week and we are going to remind them by attempting a world record in support of renewable energy.

    Facebook uses coal and nuclear to power its massive data centers. Coal threatens our forests, wildlife and the entire environment and is the single largest source for catastrophic climate change.[2] Nuclear is simply dangerous as is evident from the Fukushima disaster. Since last year, over 700,000 people all over the world have been asking Facebook to switch to clean

    Renewable energy.
    In the next 24 hours, we need to collect 50,000 comments on Facebook supporting renewable energy. These comments will be shown on a giant solar-powered screen outside the Facebook headquarters. In the process we will be setting a world record for the most Facebook comments on a post in just 24hrs!

    You should post a comment supporting renewable energy and become a part of this world record effort.

    • 'Like' to comment.
    • Comment multiple times - it still counts!
    • "@nametag" ten friends in the comment so they can join in the record too.
    • Share the link on your own profiles.
    Not on Facebook? Leave your comment here and we will post it on Facebook for you.

    This Guinness world record attempt, will help show Facebook staff the huge global support for renewable energy. It will be difficult for them to ignore a demand made by its current and potential users.

    The 50 best comments worldwide will win a Facebook Unfriend Coal t-shirt. So, start commenting now. 24 hours is all we have to act and invite friends. Let’s make a world record for renewable energy!

    Thanks a billion!
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