A systematic survey unfolds that on an average 6 out of 10 teenagers are in relationship and when talked of metropolitan cities and NCRs ,the number reaches its zenith to 9 out of 10..!!|

Sixteen years old ,Bhavna, a student of a high school education centre; commenced her social life on facebook and twitter and even on google+; and you know what; hardly a week would have passed away when she updated her relationship status from “single” to “in a relationship with Sahil”. On the next edge, eighteen years old , Sameer, updated his facebook status ;and one can’t even imagine what he did at the very instance. Soon his profile had an aura from “single” to “engaged to Aishwarya”.
There are no a handful of such instances. A systematic survey unfolds that on an average 6 out of 10 teenagers are in relationship and when talked of metropolitan cities and NCRs ,the number reaches its zenith to 9 out of 10..!!
Teenage relationships are the very building blocks of the live-in relationships existing in our society and end up in nothing but only around the wounded circle of sexual charm and physical attraction or even pre-marital affairs.
How good is it for a teenager to have entered into a relationship..??” ”Are they so grown up that they can take their decisions of their life..??” “Are they so arrogant and can even dump out their parents for the sake of their “so called love”..??” “Have all morality and wisdom an them no more alive..??” “How dare they treat their crush as their teenage relationship..??” These are just a few quest put up by the “grieved” parents of their so called “grown up” children.
To enter into a relationship with a person in this teenage can have dire consequences. It ends up in teenage pregnancy and the most harmful “ego clashes”.This is all in all the cascading impact of western culture and society in our civilized Indian culture ;which is keen to barbarize it.
Shweta, seventeen years old girl, shocked her mother when her to go for a date with her boyfriend; while Akash stunned his parents when he asked them to buy contraceptives for him..!!!
These are just a few examples. The problem of advancing western culture can be only hampered with education among the masses..