गोविन्द तिवारी का यू ट्यूब चैनल... http://www.youtube.com/user/गोविन्द्तिवरि११
गोविन्द तिवारी की ब्लोगर प्रोफाइल.. http://www.blogger.com/profile/१६३९७०५७४५६६३०९७९०७६
And these are some fresh tweets about Govind TIwari on twitter.....
_Shreyas_ Shreyas Dandekar
This world is surely going to end soon. (All you wanted to knowGovind Tiwari - http://goo.gl/yrifK via @techtikka )
Mittermaniac Mundane Masala
Please tell me why do I see Govind Tiwari updates everywhere on FB and Twitter? Who is he? What is so special about his blinking eyes?