The news regarding the ‘LOKPAL BILL’ is getting crucial and clumsy as the hours pass on. India is fighting with a dusky stage of corruption where about most of the political parties and merely bureaucrats are the apex of corruption. The unnecessary currency developed by the government officials and their deposits in foreign banks have brought India to the stage of financial unsoundness, where to initiate even a small inaugural function, the funds are arranged by the way of loan. These type of imperfect and unhealthy circumstances are degrading India and restricting India towards development.
Relying with such circumstances, some of the veteran leaders like ANNA HAZARE and BABA RAMDEV took an initiative in this field to curb the path of devastation and bring about an integrated harmony in the country.
The demand for LOKPAL BILL by these veteran leaders is a very positive point which would not only curb the paths of degradation but also bring about economic support and equality in the country.
Lokpal bill have the powers to initiate investigations in any case and directly entertain complaints from the public. It will not need any kind of permission from any authorities to entertain the cases.
According to this bill, each of the government department will be given a prescribed deadline to fulfill the specified case deed within that time and if the official do not perform his duty well and good, a initiative would be taken against him and it should be by default be taken as a case of breach of conduct and mere corruption. Lokpal will have the police powers. It will be able to register the FIRs and proceed with the criminal investigation and launch prosecution.
The anticorruption wing of the CBI will also merge with the lokpal so that there is only one independent body to act with diligence and supremacy.
While on the other hand , government strikes to the contrary view point saying that lokpal will be only an advisory body. It will only forward the enquiry reports to the competent parties which will have the final say about the matter. According to the government , no police powers will be with the lokpal and their probes will tantamount to “preliminary enquiries”.
On the other hand ANNA HAZARE says that he will be again on SATYAGRAH from 16th of august if government does’nt take a strong point decision on the matter.
The fingers are still crossed to see how the government acts to the matter and what will be the view point of veteran leaders towards the matter.